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5 Golf Rules You Should Know

5 Golf Rules You Should Know

The rules of golf are complicated. I get that – trust me. I found the rules so overwhelming when I first began playing golf. So many little details… you can do this but you can’t do that….  It’s enough to drive any golfer a little batty. 

Many players find it helpful to watch videos about the rules of golf, especially when they’re quick and to-the-point.  So I’m sharing 5 golf rules you should know – a few little gems that should help you on your quest to digest the rules golf. 

Let's Make Sure We Know The Defined Areas Of The Course

Before we jump in to the 5 golf rules you should know, let’s just make sure we’re on the same page about some terminology.

In 2019 the USGA, along with the R & A, renamed the defined areas of the course. The general area covers the entire course except for the four specific areas, which include:

  • The teeing area
  • Penalty areas
  • Bunkers
  • Putting green

Players often refer to ares of the course using the wrong terms, it’s important to be sure we know these terms. 

And by the way…. “the junk” is not one of the defined areas of the course! 

Can You Lift And Clean Your Ball On The Green?

In this video Karen asks if she can lift and clean her ball when it is right next to the putting green. Rule 13.1b states “A ball on the putting green may be lifted and cleaned. The spot of the ball must be marked before it is lifted and the ball must be replaced on its original spot.” 

And Rule 13.1a states that a ball is on the putting green when any part of the ball:

  • Touches the putting green, or
  • Lies on or in anything (such as a loose impediment or an obstruction) and is inside the edge of the putting green. 

So clearly Karen’s ball is not on the putting green, so she may not lift and clean her ball. 

See more details about marking your ball on the green here. 

Accidentally Move Your Ball On The Green

Fortunately, there is no  penalty if you accidentally move your all on the putting green. Rule 13.1d says there’s no penalty if the player or his fellow competitor or opponent (a match play term) accidentally casuses the ball to move on the putting green. 

Can I Share Clubs With My Partner?

Scrambles, shambles and best ball formats are quite popular, and many players think if they have a partner in that type of a format they can share clubs with their partner. Watch this videos to learn the details on the number of clubs in your bag. 

Removing Loose Impediments In a Bunker

We have heard this one quite a bit as 2019 began with all the new rules in affect. You get to remove pebbles or leaves (known as loose impediments) from a bunker now. Sounds great, but there’s a catch! If doing so causes your ball to move, you’ll incur a one-stroke penalty. Check out Rule 12.2 for more details on this one. 

Ball Wedged Against The Flagstick

Now that you are able to leave the flagstick in while putting on the green (one of the many great changes that came about in 2019) some issues can arise with the ball getting wedged against the flagstick. 

When your ball is wedged against the flagstick and you’re not sure it is considered “holed” consider Rule 13.2c. 

“If the player’s ball comes to rest against the flagstick left in the hole, 

  • If any part of the ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green, the ball is treated as holed even if the entire ball is not below the surface.

  • If no part of the ball is in the hole below the surface of the putting green:  

The ball is not holed and must be played as it lies.

  • If the flagstickis removed and the ball moves (whether it falls into the hole or moves away from the hole), there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced on the lip of the hole (see Rule 14.2).”

See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? If you’re ready, check out unplayable lie in a bunker.

With an Advanced Rules Certification from the USGA, Marcela teaches golf rules at clubs across the country. She’s helped thousands of women boost their confidence, avoid penalties, and elevate their overall enjoyment of the game.