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Free Relief From a Dangerous Animal

Free Relief From a Dangerous Animal

If you play golf in areas with dangerous animals like bears, alligators, or snakes, you’re going to want to hear about Rule 16.2b. This rule allows you to take free relief from a dangerous animal, such as a mama bear and her cubs out on the course.

Under this rule, you may take a drop at the Nearest Point of Complete Relief from the dangerous animal condition, no closer to the hole. You must of course really be threatened by it. You 

Bears Crossing Golf Course

can’t just assume there are snakes in the rough, but you actually have to see them and be in danger from them in order to get free relief. 

More broadly, Rule 16 covers free relief from abnormal course conditions, which include Immovable Obstructions, Ground Under Repair, and Temporary Water. 

Read more about the relief from abnormal course conditions on USGA’s website

Rule 16 states, a dangerous animal condition exists “when a dangerous animal near a ball could cause serious injury to the player if he or she played it as it lies.”

The rule provides relief from a dangerous animal. Dangerous Animal Conditions are considered Abnormal Course Conditions. Watch the bear video below for details.

With an Advanced Rules Certification from the USGA, Marcela teaches golf rules at clubs across the country. She’s helped thousands of women boost their confidence, avoid penalties, and elevate their overall enjoyment of the game.