One of the aspects of the game that often sparks debate among golfers is the number of practice swings one should take before each shot. Is there a standard number and should every player take the same amount of practice swings?

Some players believe that taking multiple practice swings helps them get into the right rhythm and feel for the shot, while others prefer a more streamlined approach, taking fewer practice swings or even none at all.

Why make a practice swing?

Practice swings serve several purposes in golf. They allow you to loosen up your muscles, get a feel for the swing, and mentally prepare for the shot. For many players, practice swings are an integral part of their routine, providing a sense of comfort and confidence before they address the ball.

Faster player versus better player.

More experienced players often have more time for a slightly longer pre-shot routine because they are  scoring lower, which should take less time overall. On the other hand, players who are shooting higher scores may find themselves pressed for time. They may not have the luxury of taking multiple practice swings or walking around the hole on the putting green. In such cases, it becomes important to prioritize efficiency and focus on making the best shot possible without holding their own group up, and therefore all the groups behind them on the course that day.

Finding the Balance

Ultimately, the number of practice swings you take should be a personal preference based on your comfort level, skill level, and the circumstances of the shot. It’s important to strike a balance between your regular pre-shot routine, while being mindful of your pace of play.

Remember to make each practice swing count by being purposeful and maintaining consistency. With practice and experience, you’ll discover the approach that works best for you and helps you improve your game.

With an Advanced Rules Certification from the USGA, Marcela teaches golf rules at clubs across the country. She’s helped thousands of women boost their confidence, avoid penalties, and elevate their overall enjoyment of the game.

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