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Are You A Sandbagger?

Are You A Sandbagger?

We all joke about being sandbaggers, but how do you know if you are a sandbagger?

What Is Sandbagging?

Sandbagging is when you intentionally play below your potential so that you increase your handicap to make it easier for you to win in the future. You’ve seen it before, golfers who just swat at their putt when they are about to make a birdie because they don’t want to have a super-low score.

Playing By The Rules

Golf is a game of rules, a “gentleman’s sport” so-to-speak (but I prefer gentle-person). In addition to needing to play by the rules of golf, if we are going to play in any tournaments, guest days or gamble while playing, we must be sure to keep an accurate golf index, which enables us to calculate our course handicap.

Watch this video to discover if you or someone you play with is a sandbagger, and what you can do about it!

See details on Equitable Stroke Control and the maximum you can post on any given golf hole.

With an Advanced Rules Certification from the USGA, Marcela teaches golf rules at clubs across the country. She’s helped thousands of women boost their confidence, avoid penalties, and elevate their overall enjoyment of the game.