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“I’ve been golfing for 28 years and played competitive high school golf. I love watching Marcela’s easy-to-digest videos and always learn from them.”
Jenn Harris
Founder, Full Swing Golf

Accidental Double Hit

Accidental Double Hit is No Longer a Penalty! One of the changes that I’m really happy about is Rule 10.1 – an accidental double hit

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Putting Greens

Repairing Spike Marks On Putting Green 2019 Golf Rules

View this post on Instagram I’m soooo eager for January 1st to roll around. That’s when we can start repairing damage to the greens before we putt. ⛳️ Rule 13 includes allowing you to repair DAMAGE to the green caused by pitch marks, spike marks, and even damage to the actual cup (that’s HUGE NEWS)

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Are you a sandbagger?

Are You A Sandbagger?

Are You A Sandbagger? We all joke about being sandbaggers, but how do you know if you are a sandbagger? What Is Sandbagging? Sandbagging is

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